
Logo Evolution.

The Near Westside just started an organization, SALT District Business Development, that helps new businesses in the area get their feet off the ground and get going. The organization will also be a place for any business owner in the neighborhood to come and get resources, advice and support from other Near Westside business owners. I was asked to design a logo for this organization, staying within the SALT District brand colors and existing logo. Here was my process:
The first logo was just a sketch. The buildings were good to go, but they wanted the original SALT colored circle instead of the simplified one. They also wanted it to look more like a real city, and some sort of evidence that this organization helps build businesses in the community. The last one is basically the one they'll be using, but with a few changes. So there you go, that's how I design a logo. This one was a little easier because I already had a lot of elements to work with. It was fun. What do you think?


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