
Fence Installation, Day One [[july28]]

We got four panels of fence done on Day 1 [July 28]. Further than I thought we would! Kids from the Vincent House came to help me out, and boy am I thankful for that because it's a slow process putting all those pieces in (and it was REALLY hot out too), so THANK YOU to all the kids and counselors from the Vincent House who came out today to help!!


  1. Living across from the park, I like seeing the colors of the fence installation. It's a neat idea though it's unfortunate that I saw people taking them off a few short hours after they were put on. Maybe you should have them write WESTSIDE or WEST. Doing this may help the community identify with the project and have a little more respect.

  2. That's a good idea, thanks for your input. We asked around and got the general impression that the words "Skiddy Park" should be written somewhere, so we started writing those today! Hopefully those words can give the same sense of identifying with the designs.
