
Seeing Results.

This summer was hard for me because I knew everything we wanted to get done would take a while. Designing, asking for permission, getting the funds, blah blah blah. So, when I walked down West Fayette this morning and saw these banners, you can guess how excited I was! Ee!! If you're ever driving down that street, know that these banners are direct results of my design class's hard stinkin' work, and please ENJOY them!



Craving Some Autumn.

I'm assuming most people who read this blog are from the Syracuse area, yes? Well, if you are, then you know what I mean when I say Syracuse has the best autumn season ever. I'm not kidding! I'm from New England, and New England is known for their great autumns which resulted in my growing up absolutely loving autumn, so when I say Syracuse has great autumns, I mean it! (Don't worry, I know what I'm talking about) (Also: how many times can I saw autumn in one sentence?! haha).

Anyways, here's why I'm looking forward to another (maybe my last?) Syracuse autumn:
1) No more humidity! Thank the Lord.
2) I love cool autumn mornings when I can sit on my porch with my green tea and my Bible and be so comfortable and perfect. I can't really explain it. It's just a really great feeling.
3) I love sweaters and I get to wear them as much as I want.
4) Colorful leaves. (For some reason I like these more than I like the colorful flowers of summer.. not sure why)
5) School starts! Senior year! (Exciting yet at the same time, verryyyy scary)
6) Corn on the cob, pumpkins, and apple picking! BEST things about autumn, hands down.

And, since a blog post is boring without a picture, here's one from last autumn =)



So Far:

16 fence panels done!


Installation Days 2&3.

So, the last post was about a fence. Guess what this one will be about.... a fence! (Hey, how'd you know?!) Ha. Anyways, here is a picture of day two (last Thursday) ::
 We made it around the corner! After today's progress, we've completed 11 panels of fence, 4 right in front of Blodgett School and 7 along Tully St. We also wrote the words "Skiddy Park" on the baseball cage, which added a nice touch. We're hoping this will help people relate to the fence art more, instead of it just being a random design.

Thursday, kids from PEACE Inc. helped me out with the decorating. They were so great, and they even brought a picnic lunch (yum!). This morning a few kids from the Huntington Center came and helped, and in the afternoon, kids and counselors from the Parks&Rec program came over to see what I was doing and ended up completing a panel! Thanks guys! I like visitors, so come by tomorrow from 4-6 to add your artistic touch to the fence!
